New York, January. 18 /PRNewswire FirstCall/ — Viacom Inc.. today announced that it appointed James W. Barge as ExecutivvizePresident, control desk, tax and treasury. Mr. Barge connects Company of Time Warner, in which he served recently as the older VizePresident and control desk. It follows Jacques Tortoroli, which President Executive Vice and Chief financial more Officer for MTV of nets was called, division from Viacom, on January 7, 2008. Kw_join Viacom will Mr. Barge on January 22 and accept its new role as control desk in the early March. Mr. Barge is responsible for supervising the financial report, the bookkeeping, financial the Kw_plannings, the global taxation and the treasury for Viacom and its subsidiaries. It will report Thomas E. Dooley, older main leader to President, Chief administrative VizeOfficer and Chief to the financial more Officer from Viacom. “We are very much pleased to welcome someone with depth the Jimmys from experience and knowledge the central industry to Viacom” said Mr. Dooley. “his proven guidance abilities and financial sense of sharp are of the enormous value Jimmy have also outstanding track record as a manager, for who it to take makes possible, a that, full advantage the deep Bank from talent we already during our finance organization have We are convinced that Jimmy building of will on we under Jacques formed progress, get its important abilities to the MTV nets as CFO.” Reporting Mr. Barge is Viacoms older VizePresident global Besteuerung-und of treasury acorn jay Kushner, VizePresident and delegated CONTROLLER Katherine Gill Charest Charest and VizePresident of financial the Kw_planning and of analysis Paul the Mottola. Mr. Barge said, “This is an enormous opportunity and I could be not been pleased to connect to such a dynamic company with a strong strategic focus and deep roots in the maintenance industry. Viacom has a large finance operation in place, which in high of degrees for its expertise regarded and admits becomes. I am to be divided eagerly, my experience with the entire Viacom crew and to work with Tom and Viacom CEO Philippe Dauman closely to help around take company to the following level.” Mr. Barge served as the older VizePresident and control desk for Time Warner since mid-2002. It connected Time Warner in 1995 as helpful control desks and advanced by different financial roles in the external report, in financial the Kw_planning and in the analysis and in the financial transactions. This spent Mr. Barge nearly 17 years ago with public audit company Ernst and Young. It served last as partner and Area industrial leaders of the consumer product group for West Region. It war before a partner in national office, in which it largest for die dissolution of the sec. bookkeeping and report expenditures for many clients of the enterprise responsible war. Before this instruction Mr. Barge was preselected to participate to professional bookkeeping Fellow Program in Office of the sec. Chief of the accountant in Washington, DC. 1982 it participated in Ernst and in international Program the Youngs and served a multiplicity of the international clients in London. Mr. Barge graduated summa with laude of University of Georgia 1978 with that degree bachelors in business the line and is the member AICPA. Over Viacom Viacom, consisting of BET nets, is MTV of nets and Paramount illustrations, prominent maintenance worlds the content company. Public on television, motion illustration and digital platforms engage themselves by many of the best well-known marks maintenance worlds, including MTV, VH1, CMT, trade mark, Harmonix, music automat, Noggin, cut in Nite, in AddictingGames, in Neopets, in which KOMOeDIE are favorable CENTRAL, in point TV, in TV the country, in atomic film, in Gametrailers, in BET, in Paramount illustrations, in DreamWorks and in Paramount, die. Viacoms global reach includes approximately 145 guidance and 300 on-line characteristics in 160 countries and in areas. To more information about Viacom and its business, visit
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