DENVER, November 21 /PRNewswire FirstCall/ — dwelling investment and to administrative company (”Aimco”) announced today this David Robertson, president and CEO, Aimco capital, participates in a lining discussion with the 2007 in London, England to be held UBS the global conference of real estate. The in-hour lining discussion becomes for Friday, November 30, 2007 with 10:00 a.m. Native time fixed. UBS supplies audio a Webcast of the existing representation to live and for replay Aimco is on real estate investment a confidence, which is had in Denver, Kolorado, which possesses and run lets a geographically varied briefcase of the dwelling communities in the middle by 19 regional functioning. Aimco, by its subsidiaries and participants, is the largest owner and the operator of the dwelling communities in the United States with 1.194 characteristics, including 206.217 dwelling units and the Serves of approximately 750,000 inhabitants each year. Characteristics Aimcos are in 47 conditions, in the district of Colombia and in Puerto Rico. Aimco general portions are acted on the New York stock echangex under the stock exchange telegraph symbol AIV and are enclosed in the S&P 500. To more information about Aimco, you visit please our web site on
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